In 5 minutes a stringer can learn to string a PowerAngle Diagonally-Strung Racket, and it takes the same time to string a PowerAngle as it does to string a conventionally-strung racket.
Click Here - Stringing Instructions
For Re-Stringing by Mail:
Perry Sinett
(561) 358-4315
Click Here - List of PowerAngle Stringers
PowerAngle Diamond Stencil
The PowerAngle logo is a large diamond.
To stencil the diamond: Skip the outer two diagonals. Ink the next two diagonals all around the racket.

PowerAngle Vibration Dampeners
After stringing is complete, insert the two PowerAngle diamond-shaped vibration dampeners above the diamond logos on the inside of the bottom of the hoop (as shown above). Turn each vibration dampener 90 degrees to lock in place. Vibration dampeners must be inserted outside of the woven area.